Friday, August 3, 2012

Merhaba Turkey

We were welcomed, quite serendipitously, into Turkey by a crescent moon and star.  We attempted to capture it with pictures taken from inside our overnight bus, but they did it no justice.  It's crazy to think we've made it here via overland travel from Russia and soon we'll be crossing into Asia.

Turkish VISAs are fairly straightforward - 3 minutes, $20 USD per person (exact change) and you're done. 

We crossed on the bus from the Bulgarian border. You get out and line up to have the Bulgarian authorities stamp your passport for departure. Then you hop back on the bus, ride 50 yards to cross the Turkish border and hop back off. For U.S. citizens, you can get your Turkish VISA upon arrival. You will have to run across several car lanes to the 'VISA office' to do so, but with a quick exchange of $20 USD for one small rectangular sticker, you'll have your VISA. 

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