Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Noroc! Sus! Boon!

Due to WiFi-free zones and unforeseen, but very welcome, encounters, we've been incommunicado over the past week. So, here's where we've wandered since our last post.

We've since crossed the "official" cigarette and vodka-smuggling border from Ukraine and entered into the Cyrillic-free world of Romania. Ahh, Latin letters. It's good to see you my friend. :)

Before crossing the invisible line, we met some fellow travelers, Dustin & Suji, at a backpacker hostel in Chernivtsi, which could only be described as a 13th floor-type hotel from at least one episode of the 'Twilight Zone.' Between the midnight tourettes from our fellow grey-haired bunk mates and awkward debates between a Neo-Nazi extremist and retired war veteran, we managed to discuss possibly renting a car together to explore the MARAMUREŞ region of Romania - northernmost territory. Now, we're on our fourth night together, and things have been going "bun!" (pronounced boon = good!)

DAY 1: On the road to BORŞA
Starring "SPARKY" in his debut performance.

DAY 2: 'Pensione' (Guesthouse/Homestay) in IEUD
Here's a little "taste" of the local hospitality we've experienced thus far - 55% proof plum schnapps. Noroc! ... Sus! Sus! (Cheers! ... Finish! Finish!)

DAY 3: 'Pensione' in BOTIZA
11 year old Florin took us on a hike through his back yard and Matt was "udderly" impressed with the scenery. 

  • Pensiunea Agroturistica
  • Contact: I.F. Tomsa Ioan
  • Address: Botiza nr. 307, Jud. Maramures
  • Cell: 0727 719 137 
  • Home: 0262 / 334268

DAY 4: 'Pensione' in VADU IZEI
A nearby river was diverted to make "Nature's Washing Machine" for large carpets and rugs.


From Chernvitsi, UKRAINE, you can catch a daily 7:10am bus to Suceava, ROMANIA for around 70 UAH / person. You cannot get this ticket the day before at the bus station ticket window. You have to show up the day of and ask the ticket window for the bus to Suceava, who will then take you to the bus driver, where you pay the driver directly. We arrived around 6:30am and were able to grab 4 seats. It takes about 4 hours, including the border crossing.

There are trains and buses from Suceava to Cluj that are virtually the same in regards to timetables, price and travel time. Although the bus was 10 lei cheaper, we chose an overnight non-sleeper train for a smoother ride - seats sat at an erect 90 degrees, where you're face-to-face with your fellow passengers. 

Something worth mentioning, we checked a travel agency for train prices and they were around 0.62 LEI less than buying straight from the train station window – 73 vs 73.62 LEI. Also, the train station is away from the main town, but there is a nice little pizza café nearby, where you can sit, play cards (some slots perhaps), eat pizza, and have beer whilst you wait for your train. May we suggest ‘Monopoly Deal?’

Rented a car from a local dealer, 'Raul Turism,' through our hostel, 'Retro Hostel.' 559 LEI for 1-7 days ($22 USD / day) or 806 LEI for 14+ days ($16 USD / day). 
  • Raul Turism - Rent A Car
  • Tel: +40 740 945 094
  • www.raulturism.ro


  1. BRAVO on your language interpretations for us, you did a great job!!!

    Love the pictures and you and Matt look like locals with your 'outfits'. Actually, you both look adorable. Love the photos.

    Love Aunt Carrie

  2. Oh my gosh!! These are my favorite pictures, especially the one of the two of you in traditional Romanian outfits......you are just "too cute"....

  3. OMGoodness! I totally agree. The photo of you guys in those outfits are priceless. Love it! xoxo mom & dad

  4. Wow, the Romanian country side... pretty sweet!
