Thursday, October 18, 2012

ALERT: All Systems Down At The Blog Generating Plant

Due to foreseen circumstances, and managerial visits (from both our parents), all blog assembly line personnel have been dismissed from their post with minimal notice. We'd like to apologize for the slack in production in recent weeks, but our equipment (hard drive) was damaged within the timezone continuum and is in need of repairs. In addition, there has been a breakdown in Internet access, along with shortened office hours, particularly those spent in the break room.

We're working as quickly as we can to repair the damage, and will be operating on all fronts in the blogosphere before the next Internet opportunity is available (i.e. generating posts on Israel and Jordan). Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you so much for your cooperation and continued support.

Mr. & Mrs. Gnome McGee

The staff has taken their temporary dismissal to travel overland around the African continent through November 18th: Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa. Their whereabouts will be posted as a progress report within the coming week. 


  1. I was getting worried!!!!!! Miss you guys!!!

  2. Yes guys, since we haven't heard from you we were getting very worried. This memo makes us know that you guys are OK. We miss you guys so much and miss hearing from you. Lots of hugs and kisses with Love!!!! Dad and Mama :-)

  3. I hate it when the Blog Reactor has a meltdown. At least everyone was in the break room during the catastrophe. I imagine the staff has some serious overtime headed their way!! :)

  4. I miss reading about all of your antics and good times. Can't wait to be in touch w/you 2 again

    Love you
    Aunt Carrie

  5. I was on the beach with the mr ans mrs Gnome the day of this post and they were looking fabulous ;-)
    Guys, I hope the rest of the trip is just as fun as the part we did together! Enjoy :)

    Gudrun from Belgium

    1. Haha. Thanks, Gudrun!! The rest of the trip was great, but we sure missed you being there along with us. Hope all's going well in good ole Belgium. :) Love, Mr & Mrs Gnome

  6. Thanks EVERYONE for the encouragement. And yes COCO, we're trying to crack the whip with our workers with back to back overtimes. No mercy. Just blood, sweat and tears. (cue evil laugh)
