Friday, September 7, 2012

Iced Coffees

Something happened today that I just can't get past. Matt and I were trying to hitch a ride from Yeghegnadzor to Goris (because we found out that we had missed the last marshrutka by just 8 minutes). After being propositioned by several Taxi drivers who had stopped for us, we see a man slam his brakes, reverse his car and exclaim, “No money. No money.” He wasn’t going to Goris, but he offered to take us to a town halfway. So, we hopped in. 

Mid-way through the 40 minute ride, he pulled over for a pit stop - we were assuming he had to run an errand. Two minutes later, he hops back in the driver's seat bearing gifts – iced coffees for himself, Matt and I.

Wait a minute. We ask for a ride, and YOU are the one that gives US something. Mind exploding - shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, we didn't have much, but we were prepared to offer him an apple we had stashed in my bag.

I don't know why I'm so dumbfounded by this simple gesture. I guess it's because things like this just keep on happening. Just the night before, the next door neighbor of an apartment we were staying in randomly brought over a tray of fresh fruit and hazelnuts as a welcome gift. Then later invited us into her home for coffee and pastry with her family, where we ended the night with a gift from her son – a stone cross necklace for me.

I've never encountered perfect strangers with such blatant generosity and not a shred of expectancy to return the favor.

This world just keeps surprising me, and I'm so grateful that we get to experience these little moments one encounter at a time. As for the man, we said thank you in broken Armenian, popped open our iced coffees and cheersed our new friend – he politely said no to the apple. 


  1. Miss you guys so much! I love, LOVE reading about your travels and your pictures are aha-mazing!! Just wanted to note that you are both very entertaining to read too :) I want more! :)

  2. Connie!!! We miss you all too! So glad to know you have been seeing some of our pictures and following our travels. We've been out of the loop while family was visiting us in Israel, but we shall have some various updates in the near future.

  3. Replies
    1. By the way, it took me 7 consecutive tries to publish that. The captchas they use are WAY difficult -- I seriously had one that looked like a "disabled parking only" sign and so I typed "disabled parking only sign", but sadly, I was wrong. Maybe if I had left out the "only".

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