Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Veliky Novgorod

We spent 3 days/2 nights in Veliky Novgorod, otherwise known in my mind as 'The Land of The Dandelions.' They blanketed every field of green, making all the buildings at the Novgorod 'Kremlin' seem like they were from a painting. 

We entered the Kremlin walls for FREE! Matt and I were half expecting for someone to stop us at the gate and demand payment, but alas we went through scott-free. St.Sofia's church was also free and had some of the most beautiful paintings covering every centimeter of the walls and ceiling. Unlike many of the churches we've seen, there was no gold to be found. We thought it looked like 'Jesus' church,' much like the wooden chalice, not the golden chalice, was the Holy Grail in 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.' It has been our favorite thus far. 

Left: Chapel with Dandelions within Kremlin / Right: Inside St.Sofia's Cathedral

Later that day, we witnessed the most horrid of events: 'The Massacre of the Dandelions.' Men were flanking them from all sides with their mowers and weed whackers, the poor helpless flowers grinning at the sun were sitting ducks, sideswiped by the unmerciful blades of Russian grounds keepers. A moment of silence...spasibo.

Outside the Kremlin Wall

1 comment:

  1. Hi guys, Love the photos! It looks like both places were amazing to see and a few dandelions left for a great photo. Reading your blog is like reading a book. I can't wait until the next chapter. xoxo:)
